On the comedic battleground of Sundale Country Club, Mike and Quin faced off at the perilous Hole 17. Amidst the chaos, Quin’s ballless blunder set the tone. Mike, perhaps feeling aquatic, donated a ball to the water. Yet, Quin, the forgetful genius, excelled with a chip shot, paving the way for an effortless two-putt. Mike, still drying off, concluded with a triple. The air filled with sarcastic applause as Mike praised Quin’s unexpected triumph. It was a spectacle, a ballet of mishaps, and a reminder that, in golf, even forgetting your balls can lead to victory. Will Ferrell couldn’t have narrated a more absurd golfing saga!
Team Clubs & Holes
Representing Team Clubs & Holes, we were geared up and ready for the Bakersfield College Football Alumni Foundation’s annual golf tournament held at Rio Bravo