We do it for the holes.

Make Golf Great Again

In the heart of Buena Vista Golf Course, where laughter echoes louder than birdies, Mike and Paul took on Quin and Greg in an epic golf battle. The stage? Hole 9, a Par 4 where legends are made and jokes are cracked.

As they teed off, Paul couldn’t resist ribbing Mike about his previous hole blunder. Meanwhile, Quin, Mike, and Greg turned the spotlight on Paul’s flamboyant footwear, which quickly earned the moniker “Trump 2024’s.” Cue uproarious laughter!

Despite the comedic distractions, Quin remained focused, effortlessly landing on the Greens in Regulation. But as the game progressed, it became clear that putting wasn’t Greg’s forte, resulting in a comedic display of four-over par struggles.

In a surprising turn of events, Mike and Paul managed to secure a bogey, while Quin, under pressure, three-putted for his own bogey. With victory in their pockets, Mike and Paul sauntered off the course, leaving behind a trail of jokes, banter, and memories.

Join us for a side-splitting journey through the greens of Buena Vista, where the golf is fierce, the competition is hilarious, and the camaraderie is unmatched. It’s not just about sinking putts; it’s about sinking into fits of laughter. Welcome to the wild world of Clubs & Holes!

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Golf Brotherhood

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Clubs & Holes #1

Picture this: Buena Vista Golf Course, a battleground fit for gods—or in this case, Quin, Bert, Tecon, and the legend himself, Paul. They’re not just

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Worst Ball Challenge

Get ready for a golf challenge that’s so wild, even the golf balls are scratching their dimpled heads in confusion! Join Mike and Quin as

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